- be beneath contempt
- иметь невысокие моральные качества
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
beneath contempt — Utterly despicable • • • Main Entry: ↑contempt * * * beneath contempt phrase if someone or something is beneath contempt, they are so bad or so unimportant that they do not deserve any attention Thesaurus: unimportantsynonym bad or of a low… … Useful english dictionary
beneath contempt — ► beneath contempt utterly worthless or despicable. Main Entry: ↑contempt … English terms dictionary
beneath contempt — index blameworthy, loathsome, offensive (offending), paltry Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
beneath contempt — if someone or something is beneath contempt, they are so bad or so unimportant that they do not deserve any attention … English dictionary
beneath contempt — Synonyms and related words: abhorrent, abominable, arrant, atrocious, awful, base, beastly, beggarly, below contempt, blameworthy, brutal, cheap, cheesy, common, contemptible, crude, crummy, deplorable, despicable, detestable, dire, disgusting,… … Moby Thesaurus
beneath contempt — so low as to be unworthy even of contempt; disdainful … English contemporary dictionary
beneath contempt — utterly worthless or despicable. → contempt … English new terms dictionary
contempt — ► NOUN 1) the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration. 2) (also contempt of court) the offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law. ● beneath contempt Cf. ↑beneath contempt ● hold in contempt… … English terms dictionary
contempt — noun 1 lack of respect ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, deep, great, open, outright, pure, utter, withering ▪ cold … Collocations dictionary
contempt — con|tempt [kənˈtempt] n [U] [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: contemptus, from contemnere to think of with contempt , from com ( COM ) + temnere to despise ] 1.) a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect… … Dictionary of contemporary English
contempt — n. scorn 1) to demonstrate, display, show contempt for 2) bitter, deep, profound, total, unmitigated, utter contempt 3) contempt for 4) beneath contempt disrespect (legal) 5) to hold in contempt (to hold smb. in contempt of court) ( to accuse smb … Combinatory dictionary